i'm Mohamed

Freelance Web & Mobile full stack developer

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john doe
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I am a full stack web developer with a passion for creating interactive and responsive web applications. I have experience working with JavaScript, React, Redux, Next.js, Node.js, Express, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, and Git. I am a quick learner and I am always looking to expand my knowledge and skill set. I am a team player and I am excited to work with others to create amazing applications.

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  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • Next.js
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS


  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Node JS
  • Express
  • SQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB

Tools & Methods

  • Git
  • Github
  • Jest
  • RSpec
  • TDD
  • Mobile-first approach
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Postman


  • Remote Pair Programming
  • Teamwork
  • Mentoring
  • Communication Skills
  • Code Review
  • Attention to Details
  • Problem solving Skills


Ecommerce Store

Comfy Store is a cutting-edge e-commerce project built using JavaScript, React, React Router 6.4+, React Query, Redux Toolkit, Axios, Tailwind, and daisyui.

Budget App

A full stack mobile application that allows users to signup and create categories and add transactions to each category. Built with Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Devise, Postgresql, Bootstrap, and deployed to heroku.

Space Travels

A front-end web application that displays SpaceX Rockets using spaceX API. Users can rent their favorite rockets and register for SpaceX missions. Built with React, Redux, HTML5/CSS3, and Rest api.

Todo List

Sleek and intuitive Todo list app where user can add, delete, submit and edit items. This powerful application allows users to effortlessly create, manage, and track their tasks with ease. With its clean and modern user interface, organizing your daily, weekly, or monthly to-do lists has never been more enjoyable. Built with React, JavaScript, and HTML5/CSS3.

Recipe App

A simple recipe app that allows users to save ingredients, keep track of their recipes and add new recipes. Offers a seamless user experience, enabling users to quickly generate a shopping list based on the ingredients they have saved. Built with Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, and deployed to Heroku.

let's get in touch

If you're seeking a dedicated Full Stack Developer who can deliver exceptional results, I would love to discuss how my skills and experience align with your project. Let's connect and explore the possibilities together.

Get in touch